Interface ChallengeParams<T>

Interface for EIP-4361 Challenge - Sign in With Ethereum

For more information and documentation, view the EIP proposal.

We extend it to support assets.

interface ChallengeParams {
    address: string;
    assetOwnershipRequirements?: AssetConditionGroup<T>;
    chainId?: string;
    domain: string;
    expirationDate?: string;
    issuedAt?: string;
    nonce: string;
    notBefore?: string;
    resources?: string[];
    statement: string;
    uri: string;
    version?: string;

Type Parameters

  • T extends NumberType


address: string
assetOwnershipRequirements?: AssetConditionGroup<T>
chainId?: string
domain: string
expirationDate?: string
issuedAt?: string
nonce: string
notBefore?: string
resources?: string[]
statement: string
uri: string
version?: string

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